Getting started with CrossFit

It can be intimidating starting CrossFit, especially if you’ve seen videos on Instagram of people performing Muscle ups and Handstand Walking!

However, we’ve built an onboarding system that helps you understand the main movement patterns we perform during class.

This gives you the confidence to jump into the group and be ready to take on the workout of the day!

Our fundamentals are conducted during a 1-1 session with our coaching team, these sessions will go over all the main movements that you’ll see during a class. This means that even if you’ve never stepped foot in a gym before, you’ll know exactly where to start during your first class.

CrossFit is broken down into 3 main areas: Weightlifting, Gymnastics and Conditioning.

Within each of these areas there are some fundamental movements that you’ll get to grips with during these sessions.

In weightlifting we have movements like the snatch and clean and jerk. Gymnastics sees movements like pull-ups and handstand push-ups. Conditioning takes us through moves like Kettlebell Swings and machines like the rower.

We’re not expecting you to absolutely nail every single movement straight away, and this is where we can show you different scales and progression for each movement that are suitable for your current level of fitness.

Scales and progressions allow the coaches at CFC to include absolutely everyone in the workout regardless of skill level. We have a series of progressions for each movement, and we can match it up to where you’re currently at.

So, to summarise, the onboarding sessions will leave you:

  • Understanding the main movements, we use during CrossFit

  • Knowing which scales and progressions to start with in class

  • With any questions and queries answered by your coach

Get started on our CrossFit Starter Course - next enrolment is on Monday 5th September.