Bev Byford


“CFC has changed my perspective on training and life in general. I have always gone to the gym and exercised. I ran and did some group classes, but I was never one of those people that hung out in the weights because I didn’t have the knowledge and I don’t like training on my own. Through in CrossFit I’m never alone and there is always a coach to help you out.

My nutrition wasn’t that great either, I used to train to eat, now I eat to train better. When I started I couldn’t even do a pull up and I used to use the biggest band to get me through any pull up WODs. My first trial class consisted of Benchmark Workouts ‘Fran’, a 1.6km run, and ‘Diane’ and I saw all these amazing humans complete what seemed like an impossible task. I finished the workout ….. with scaling modifications and I was sore for a few days, but I thought to myself, if other people could finish the workout, so could I. So, I returned and kept coming back. Six years later I’m still coming back for more, the band has been removed and I’ve now been getting my first muscle ups!

Every work out is challenging and different which keeps me motivated. Through CFC I’ve learned a lot about training and nutrition. The community is great and very welcoming. It is part of my lifestyle now and I enjoy it every time I step in the box!”